Monday, January 4, 2010

Brie: I will start with last night cause I think It is real typical for something like this to happen . Ryan and I went to pick up a couple last minute things when we went to the ATM to get a little cash. When the machine ate my debit card half way. We decided to run into target to get something to pull it out. To no avail the card had to be picked up this morning before heading to the airport. What a TRIP!!!!!  All to say never PLAN ON ANYTHING. Just take it as it comes to ya. Cause if I would have planned on something, I would not be planning on that lololol

Ashley: Well I don't have an exciting story like BrieLynn Wallace, but I can give God praise for no craziness prior to our first departure! All of our bags were perfect weight and nothing was taken from our carry ons and discarded. So far so good! The sun is shining perfectly in Houston and Brie and I are taking in our Vitamin D for the day! We are anxious to get to London as we are going to try and venture out and see a few sites since we have a 10 hours layover! God has a plan I am sure! 

I have to say that again my eyes are opened to other cultures as the woman sitting next to us had her breastical hanging our for all the world and all the men to see! I understand that little sweetie needs to eat.......

God has some amazing things in store for the children at the Challenge Farm and for that I am so excited to be used by God to ensure that those things are completed. Brie and I have worked several months for these next two weeks and we truly feel blessed to be "vessels".  Again, I have said it many times, but we would not be able to do this without all the financial support and encouragement from our families. Thank you and know that we TRULY appreciate it! Please continue to pray for our husbands as they love on our children and pray for an easy transition for our babies. There are kids and babies everywhere we look making it a little hard to let them go and allow them to be in the hands of God. Pray that we remember that they are not ours but Gods and that he will guide and protect them.

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation.....Isaiah 52:7

This is our be rid of all our selfishness and show the love of God. 

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